Issue 18: Bike routes marked as Avoid should be visible in Google Maps Cycling layer
Summary: Experienced local cyclists and bike groups often expend significant time and effort marking roads most unsuited to cycling as "Avoid" using Google Map Maker (e.g. high speeds, high traffic volumes, no or dangerous bike facilities). However, these routes are not displayed as colour-coded lines in the Cycling layer. This data is only used in charting Cycling Directions.The problem is that the Cycling Directions are rarely used by most cyclists as their suggested routes are almost never the best or most useful. Most cyclists using Google Maps are simply viewing the Cycling layer green lines and then occasionally Street View as well.
So a desirable change is for the Cycling layer to display roads where Bicycle Suitability = Avoid -- ideally with thin red lines to contrast with the green lines. Note that the Cycling layer does show roads where Bicycle Suitability = Preferred -- these are the dashed green routes defined as Bicycle-friendly roads.

1. A typical example of a road completely unsuited for cycling and marked Avoid in Map Maker but which does not show up in the Cycling layer
Punt Rd and Hoddle St are a major north-south arterial route for motor traffic in Melbourne. There are 6 lanes with a typical speed limit of 60-70km/hr, the road is one of the busiest in the city, and there are no safe on-road bicycle facilities for any significant distance.
Google Street View - Hoddle St near Freeman St
This road has been correctly marked in Google Map Maker with Bicycle Suitability = Avoid so as to deprioritise it being used in Cycling Directions.
However, with Google Maps Cycling layer enabled this Avoid info does not show up. Yet, if Hoddle St had been marked with Bicycle Suitability = Preferred, this would show up as a dashed green Bicycle-friendly road. Given how sparingly Avoid is used by Map Maker editors, there is no reason not to show this critical value-add info -- at least as an option the user can enable.
Google Maps Cycling layer - Around Hoddle St
2. Bike routes marked Avoid are deprioritised in Cycling Directions but still may be used if very direct
Having a road marked Avoid for bikes tends to eliminate its use in suggested Cycling Directions but this is not foolproof. These unsuitable roads can still be suggested if they are by far the most direct and efficient.
Cycling Directions - Albert St to Hood St
Actually displaying thin red lines for roads marked Avoid would at least advise cyclists that the route is considered very unsuitable.
Also, Cycling Direction > Route Options checkboxes should be enhanced to allow cyclists to enforce the elimination of all roads marked Avoid. This can be done by making the existing Route Options function useful for cyclists.
See: Issue 13: Google Maps Cycling Directions should allow cyclists to avoid Stairs, Unpaved Trails and Highways