Issue 8: Direction of travel differences in bike lanes and bike-friendliness need to be indicated on Google Maps
Summary: Because on-road cycling facilities like bike lanes have been retrofitted to streets only where feasible and not inconveniencing motorists too much, they are not always consistent in both directions. In some sections, there might be space for a Dedicated bike lane in one direction but not in the other. And the direction without a bike lane may be a Bicycle-friendly road or it may be unsafe and unsuitable as a cycling route.While Google Map Maker enables Dedicated lanes and Bicycle-friendly roads to be marked up in either direction or both directions, this information is not mandatory and can be left blank. In addition, its Cycling layer green lines do not differentiate between direction of travel unless the road is bisected by a median of some sort. This results in a single green line being painted down the middle of the road but only one direction may have Dedicated lanes or be Bicycle-friendly.
1. A typical example of a road that has a Dedicated lane in one direction but not in the other. Google Maps Cycling layer does not indicate these differences
A minor example of this can be seen on Richardson St in Carlton North between Lygon St and Rathdowne St. There is a Dedicated lane on the northern side of this east-west route but only sharrows on the southern side.
As there is no median separation on this road, Google Maps Cycling layer only shows a single green line representing both directions of travel:
IBHWGM YouTube - Richardson St (Garton St to St Georges Rd)
Another example using Google Stree View images is Cardinal Rd in Glenroy. There is a bike lane in only one direction but Google Maps Cycling layer paints the green line down the middle of the road and implies Dedicated lanes exist on both sides:
Google Street View - Cardinal Rd, Glenroy
2. With no current ability to show Direction differences, such roads are often marked as Bicycle-friendly roads
As Google Maps Cycling layer does not currently support displaying direction differences, roads with bike lanes on only one side are sometimes marked as Bicycle-friendly roads rather than having Dedicated lanes. This is a temporary workaround only if the direction without bike infrastructure is safe enough to be considered bicycle-friendly.
Oakover Rd in Preston is a good example of such a road. It has a Dedicated lane on only one side in this area but is marked as a Bicycle-friendly road - applying to both directions of travel.
Google Street View - Oakover Rd, Preston